It is the days before Lent, "fastelavn". A time for carnivals, for alot of food, good food, a time for colours.
Colourful branches are sold in Norway, the money from the sale given to "those in need".
My book, "40 dager - fra karneval til oppstandelse" starts with these days, ends with Easter and "Christ has risen!" I look forward to walk the paths of Lent accompanied with the book.
I am travelling down to Oslo today. To be interviewed by radio. A Lent Tale every week for the 7 weeks of Lent. I am preparing. My mind, my words, my tales.
Take a look at how fasnacht is celebrated in Germany.
Photos: My aunt and other women making "fastelavnsris".
The coming weeks I'll guide us all through Lent, some old and some new traditions, recipes, a colour calendar, signs of hope, reflections, Stabat Mater, prayers, silent reflections......