Last night was the time to put up a few advent lights. While searching in the basement for the right boxes I found a basket filled with a few items waiting to be mended. A pink summer top, a pair of red heart mittens, a favorite beanie with braids hanging down over the ears, a teddy bear which Marta helped make in Copenhagen Tivoli last summer, a black bow hairpin.
As advent is a time for reflection I decided it was a good time to sit down with my mending. Each item I worked on brought back memories of its usage.
Advent might also be our time to mend a few things in our lives. A broken friendship, a task you have finished where the seams have become loose, a promise you have forgot about.
Marta can cuddle her favorite teddy bear again, and I wear my black hairpin today. I keep on my reflection on mending. The time is here for me to use.
My reading today is as always on the fiorst Sunday of advent, the first chapter of Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol.