The garden season in my Nordic Blue Garden is short. Frost has already been here on a short visit, but left again. When we left for our cabin on Thursday everything was covered in a thin white snow quilt which now has melted, and the last sparkling colours can again be enjoyed briefly.
I spent all Wednesday and Thursday morning out in the garden preparing the coming winter and next spring, and had put the last bulb into the soil when the snow started.
More bulbs were planted at our cabin yesterday, so spring will be a colourdance at both our homes.
*** Love all God's creation,
both the whole and every grain of sand.
Love every leaf,
every ray of light.
Love the animals,
love the plants,
love each separate thing.
If thou love each thing
though wilt perceive
the mystery of God in all...***
-Fedor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)
With this cold weather I am game for sweets, and at the blog Paris Breakfast there are always enough sweets for the whole blogworld. Carol, your blog is my Blog of the Week this coming week.
I am off to Sweden tomorrow morning, for three days, so please forgive that I don't have much time to visit my favorite blogs.