18 is the magical age. When you are 18 you are of full age and legal capacity, you get the right to vote, you can have your driver licence, you are grown up.
All her life Ingrid has had two big brothers to look up to. Their world has always been a dream world and she couldn't wait to "be legal" as she put it, when she was 13.
Today is the magic day Ingrid. You are 18. You are legal. You are grown up. You are beautiful. And you are and will always be my little girl!
I am away today on Ingrid's special day.....sometimes work has to come first. But we celebrated last night with an Italian dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant - Terje and I, grandma Marta and grandpa Odd, sister Marta and boyfriend Marius. (One big brother is still in Australia, one was away with friends for the week-end)