The garden has been neglected for weeks now, time has been precious for other things. But yesterday I managed to leave work early and spent all afternoon getting to know my garden again. So many things are still blooming, and as soon as I had removed the weeds it actually looked quite nice. And we could sit down with our afternoon coffee to enjoy the beauty.
I posted this over in my Blue Garden yesterday, and I can't have enough of the first photo. I spent most of the day after work out in the garden yesterday, which gave my little time left for blogging (I always write my entries in the night and post them the next morning). I know that some of you also read Britt-Arnhild's Blue Garden, but these photos can be looked at twice :-).
We are heading for our cabin right after work today. No electricity. No internet access. Alot of wildlife. Alot of family life. I will be back here Sunday night Norwegian time.
I was here, in the garden. An old woman
With green fingers, fed me generic names
Like Flower, or Tree,
As if nothing else mattered
But the garden, and having your own key.
Harry Clifton, b.1952. The Garden.