Counting, I realise I must have been in charge of more than 50 kid's birthday parties. Big sister of three brothers, mother of four children, the birthday parties makes a colourful circle, like precious beads on a golden string.
As a young mother I looked forward to the parties for weeks. Planned menues, made artful invitations, decorated, let my light shine.
The toddlers grew up, and celebrating with a bunch of active kids became more challenging. But still celebrations have always been outstanding in the House in the Woods.
Now Marta is the last little kitten in the basket, and turning 11 in a few days my time as birthday-queen is soon coming to an end. At least till the grandchildren starts to come and ask for a birthday expert granny. There are now 7 shining roses in the livingroom. They have had taco, danced limbo, sung karaoke, had cakes and sweets and are now watching a movie. What a blessing to have them all around. When Marta grows out of birthday parties we'll have to find other occations to open our doors to their smiles.