I hate cold fingers and I love mittens and gloves. For my daily use I have a pair of thick, rather expensive rabbit fur gloves, but from time to time, especially when it is very cold or when I am out walking or hiking, I wear handknitted pure wool mittens.
During the years I have gathered quite a wonderful collection, and even have a collection of vintage ones hanging on the wall down in my basement studio.
My newest acquirement is a pair of mittens from Lofoten, given me as a present from the mother of Ingrid's boyfriend. My dearest pair though is the one with the year 1979 knitted in.
Terje and I met during the summer of 1978, and the same autumn we became a pair. The following winter Terje knitted me these love mittens, and since then I have never had a pair which gave more comfort and warmth than these ones. They are almost worn out, and I have mended them several times, and they become more and more dear to me. I will keep on using them and mending them untill the day I don't need them anymore. It must be told that Terje also knitted me a waistcoat the same winter, bottle green in a very intricate pattern with knots and braids. We got engaged the next summer, and since then he has not knitted a stich :-)