At armchair travelling yesterday, Peter had a reflection about when to start celebration Christmas. Peter is a teacher, and in his class one year none of the kids were supposed to mention the C-word untill December 1st.
I so much agree with Peter, and it makes me frustrated that Christmas seems to come earlier every year. I think we loose something this way, when the time finally is there we are in many ways fed up with the celebration. In Norway for some year we've had a campaign going on which we call "Take Christmas Back", where we try to persuade both shopowners and consumers to wait till December with Christmas. It seems to be a job done in vain though, but I will never stop this fight.
So here in our house there are no signs of Christmas yet, and will not be untill December 1st, and even then advent will dominate over Christmas till December 23rd when we finally decorate our tree and the whole house. With one exeption! Marta and I have started to make Christmas presents. This is a task that can be started early, and we are having so much fun planning, looking through our collection of craft materials, designing, glueing, cutting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, scrap booking, photographing, carpenting, drawing, painting,writing ........and talking about the recievers of the gifts and if they will like what they get.
And while sneaking in this very first sign of Christmas in the House in the Woods, we are counting down days till the 1st of December and the blessed period of advent.