Down in our basement I have an old desk. Through the year I use it to display old writing equipments, but yesterday old pens, books, papers and bottles of ink were stored away. For a few weeks now the desk will hold some of my Christmas decorations in wait for a place in our house.
Starting Thursday night I will fill my basket every night and place it in front of the hearth in our livingroom. There I will find it the next morning, and after reading my Bible and saying my daily prayer I will empty the basket. I will hang the daily angel, find room for the daily nativity scene, put up one more snowman for every day, play another Christmas cd, and so on.
It was like having a party yesterday when I opened the storage room where I keep all these treasures through the year. There was the nativity scene I bought in Haiti in 1998, there was the snowman a dear friend made, there was the snowglobe Kathy bought me in New York when we met there before Christmas one year, there were a few new treasures gathered through travels this past year.
Only four days left till Friday and December 1st. Are you going to join me in this fun?