I suppose that we all remember what we did on September 11th five years ago. I had a meeting at work, and will never forget how one of the people in the meeting got a phonecall and how he asked us all to come with him and check the computer, and then, when we understood this was really happening, we found a television, turned it on and sat there wordless, not believing what we saw. My ten year old Marta has a clear vision of what she did that day, even remembering where she sat when she watched television (we have moved since then).
Just a couple of days after 11th September I flew down to Eritrea to spend two weeks with our friendship group there. People had heard of what happened to the Twin Towers in New York, but it was so far from their life it didn't influence them much. Their lives were filled by the ongoing war and conflicts with Ethiopia, the drought which came back year after year, water supply problems....
An important perspecive. We shall never forget September 11th, and in deep respect for the people who died, and the firemen giving their life that day, I try to spend today in reflecting silence, praying for peace. At the same time I also remember my friends in Eritrea and what they have to struggle each and every day. One of my Eritrean friends, Mr. Zere, member of the Trondheim-Keren Friendship comitee came to Trondheim yesterday to stay here for a month. Tonight we are having a welcome party for him here at "the blue café", and while making waffler and "trollkrem" for the party, I will pray for the Eritrean people, and I will pray for the world after September 11th.