Internet is a wonderful thing. How could I know many years ago, when we had our first computer and got connected to the net, that it should change my life. Suddenly a whole new world opened, and in this world there were new friends around every corner. I soon discovered yahoo groups, or e-groups as I think the name was then, and after some time as a member in several groups, friendship links developed. There is one special group I have been member of for many, many years. We are just a small, closed group, and over the years we have shared joys and sorrows, deaths and births, trivialities and the deepest secrets of our hearts. With all the traveling I am doing I have met several of the group members, but there are still many I have never met face to face. They are all among my best friends though, friends with whom I can share almost everything.
Our husbands and kids have also become "family members" of this very special group, and a few weeks ago our group got a new little member. Welcome to the world baby Joseph! Though you live across the ocean for me, I feel like your Norwegian aunt, and what an aunt does when a baby is born is to run out and buy yarn for a baby sweather. So did I the day I heard you were born. The sweather is not finished yet, but as you are still a very tiny little baby, and the sweather is made to fit you next winter, there is still time. I know that you love to look at colours and patterns already, so here you can have a first look of your new Norwegian sweather. God bless you and your parents and all your siblings.