Marta did not feel quite well yesterday. She came home early from school and soent the rest of the day indoors with none of her friends visiting. And she was bored. In the evening the two of us decided that today would be another day, and we planned an outdoor event after dinner - a hike in the dark forest. She would be allowed to bring one friend. So when Terje and I came home from work today we met two smiling and exciting girls playing around on the floor in the livingroom, making letters and numbers with their bodies. We prepared and ate dinner, and then packed a backpack with flash lights, hot chocolate and sweet rolls and walked up to the forest. The dark comes early now, so it was quite dark already whenwe started. At least as dark it can be when you live near a town. It is a wonderful experience wandering around in the dark forest, playing with the flash light, listening for noises and looking at the stars. We stopped halfway to eat our food, and on our way back home the northern light (aurora borealis) was busy playing on the sky. Mother Earth is such a fantastic creation. I thank God for life every single day.
My camera doesn't work good with flash, the battery dies almost immideately, but at least I managed one photo before it died.