My favorite way of spending the days at our cabin is hiking. We can hike right out from the mountain, which terje did on Saturday when he went out in search for cloudberries. But usually we drive a little while first to reach the day's area.
Last week we had two hikes. On Friday we tried a place where we have never been before, only read about. A hut built by a local hiking organisation. There are huts like this one everywhere in the mountains in Norway. Some are bi
g with several people working there. Others are smaller and unattended. The one we visited, Storfiskhytta, was just a small one, and we found the key outside. Could use the hut like we wanted and paied for us when leaving.
The weather was cold and wet, so we decided to eat our backpoack lunch indoors. A perfect place for eating, with a small attick where the girls
played. One day we'll go back here and spend the night. Again - you can use the hut as you want and pay what you owe when you leave.
We brought with us a fishing rod, and spent some relaxing time fishing. Though, relaxing........the moskitos were quite busy.
Did not get much fish, but a few trouts were perfect to fry for supper when we came home.
The mist made it a little difficult to enjoy the fantastic nature. But we fell in love with these mountains, as well all all the other mountains at Aure, so we'll be ba
ck some day.....hopefully soon.
Saturday Terje wanted to work in the forest around the cabin, and also do a hike there in search for berries. The girls and I went to our favorite mountain - Høvikfjellet. This mountain
has the most fantastic view and Marta and I have been there many times. Fortunately the weather was much better. No mist, so we were fully able to enjoy the scenery.
It take us about 50 minutes to reach the top, and while there it is perfect to enjoy coffee, bread with brown goat cheese and fresh water from our hiking bottles.
It will be some time now till we go back to the cabin. Next week-end we are travelling to Italy for a couple of weeks, and then another trip to Italy in the beginning of September for only Terje and me. But the cabin is there, and is always welcomming is when we come - for just a couple of days in the middle of a busy scedule, or for a longer period. And there are many more wonderful hikes waiting for us.
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