I'm having a break in my exams working and spend a quiet night watching the European Song Contest. And with one of my favorite hobbies, knitting. I am working on a pair of pulsewarmers right now using bigger beads than I have used before. I am not sure if I am satisfied with the result, but at least it is something different and worth trying. Though when these are finished I will go back to the very small beads again. They are more difficult to work with, but the effect and the resu
lt is so beautiful.
The photo to the right show the first pair I made , several years ago, the next photo shows my latest ones, with black beads on black yarn. Not easy to see on the small photo (you can see a bigger photo if you double click on it), but the result is great.
Sock knitting has been a favourite for a long time, and my girls love to wear the socks I knit for them - which means that the socks are always well worn before I manage to take a photo of them. Those in this photo I made for Marta a few weeks ago, and she started to use them right away - you can see that the heel is not quite clean any more.
Knitting necklaces is also something I have started to do lately. Have tried different designs (all of them my own) but have not found the perfect one yet. Still trying though, and one day I will show some of them here.