With the devastating daily news from Aleppo and Mosul, I sat down to get an encounter with Afghanistan, some years ago. A grandfather, his little grandson now deaf by the bombs, his son deep down in the mines somewhere, the rest of his family, wife, pregnant daughter in law, youngest son with all his family, killed when their villages was bombed. A standstill. A morning with the old man and his grief. Earth and ashes. A short book, 77 pages, But a book which will not be fast forgotten.
Atiq Rahimi was born in 1962 in Kabul. Fled to Pakistan when the Russians invided Afghanistan, and later continued to France where he got a political asylum.
We need voices like Atiq Rahimi´s
The photo is one I took though a bus window in Syria, while driving from Aleppo to Damaskus just before the war started.