Christmas has been a slow reading period for me, but now, as the everydays are back, I am also back to a more full reading routine, and on the bus home from work this afternoon, I finished Elif Shafak´s The Bastard of Istanbul and can check the fourth country on my world travel reading list.
I visited Istanbul in August 2013. It was a work trip and the days had a busy program, but one afternoon I was able to find time to meet a friend I´ve got to know though internet. She took me around, showed me places I would not have found by myself, told my fortune in my empty coffee cup and told me about Turkish writers. Again and again she mentioned Elif Shafak, and when I found a bookstore the next day with Turkish books in English, I knew what to look for. Shafak of course, but also a few others. When I started this world travel project, I sent my friend an email, asking her what she would recommend from her country, and again she pointed out Shafak. So it ended up being an easy choice for me to find out what to read from Turkey.
I am not going to write a review of the book, it is so easy to google it and find one if you want. But I can´t help sharing that, though the book gave me a slow start, I felt there were too many loose threads, as soon as I knew how to knit them together, I was mezmerised by the tale. And was it not for the fact that I must now continue to a new country, I would have made a stop now to read more Elif Shafak.
The photos are from my visit in 2013.
I got an email today from my friend in Istanbul. Here is what she writes about Elif Shafak:
when i read her first book 'the fleapalace appartment' i thought i have discovered a marvellous writer.. and will be reading all her books.. i even desired to read her sociology doctorate thesis which was about the estheatic prototype of the urbane turkish woman..
her name was.. şafak as it is written in turkish.. must be in 96.. or 97..
it was the first effect..
then she continued to write.. and she changed..
the bastard is the last novel i have read and liked..
the one following was about the depression after giving birth.. which i did not get interested. it was right after she had given birth.. the black milk..
then she has written about a homosexual young boy.. and she wore man clothes and her photo was on the cover of the book..
in the meantime her books started to be translated to other languages..
and her name changed as well.. she now was shafak... even on the books in turkish language..
then she wrote 'love'.. which i couldn't support to read because it was about mevlana c. rûmi.. the book's cover was a pink heart on pink background.. male readers said that they were not comfortable about carrying the book around ..
bam.. there comes a grey cover for male readers..
young people loved to share quotes from her novels.. bam comes an aphorisms book..
and comes an advertorial of credit card where she acts as though she is the v. woolf of 21 century..
she has a small book in which short articles about feelings and thoughs are printed.. i liked it.. i felt as though i have found my writer again.. the one i fell in love..
but then comes another one again .. at which she still uses mevlana's profit..
now with the new politicians who want to play the ottomans.. comes a novel of ottoman era..
the last novel has been criticesed because she has changed too many well known important historical facts and architecture.. to suit the novel's intrigues.. and as she said that she had studied a lot about the era.. even the architects wrote articals against her.. saying if she has studied enough she would know.. such or such facts..
she anwered i am not a historian or architect but a writer so i change whatever suits me..
as a sumary..
i can say..
she is a gifted writer..
she is a great observer..
but she is also a pr project..
she is beautiful.. she sells her image..
she writes about things that the people will be interested.. she sells her books..
she twits.. i follow her.. she is always milkywater.. never any sharp observation or criticism.. she is soo attentive so that no one can resents her..
this is not the literature i like.. this is popular culture.. you want wise words here you are.. you want genocide.. here you are.. you want motherhood.. there you are.. you want what?.. i will write about it.. as she is a sociology graduate career woman.. she reads what will sell and does it..
but i must say that i accept she is an intelligent business woman whose main article is herself...
Photo: my friend reading my future :-)