It is almost two weeks since I read the first pages of Sea of Poppies, it is almost two minutes since I read the last one. The first thing coming to my mind is that reading my way through all the countries in the world is going to take a long, long time. Not all books will take as long as this one, others will probably take longer. But this only strengthen my resolution. This is something I want to do! The second thing coming to my mind is that reading one book creates a million new threads, and how will I be able to resist the temptation of following them all. Take Sea of Poppies and India for example. Sea of Poppies is the first of a triology, and now there is no way I can skip the two following ones, is it? I already have them in my shelves, and not only the triology, I also have a couple of other books by Amitav Ghosh. Now I want to read them as well. Then there are all the other unread books from India I already have, and then all those read and mentioned by you. I make a list of them all, and my list is getting longer by every day.
Well, the million threads and my wish to follow them all, only add to the fun of this project.
The first thing I will do after finishing this blog post, and a similar one in Norwegian for Med bøker på menyen, is to start making and posting a few lists. Ann Morgan has already made a list of all countries in the world and suggestings of books from them. I will use her list, but I am also going to make my own. And I am going to ask you to help me to add titles, which will be another list.
And as always, I will keep the facebook page updated.
By the way, next country out is Nepal, but that´s something I will write about in another post.
The photos today are all from my trip to India in 2008.