In this series with books set in Venice, books from Venice, books about Venice, I hope to present a wide range of books, all of them from my own collection. And believe me, I can go on for a long, long time.
First out, or second actually, yesterday´s Strolling Through Venice was first, is a favorite book of mine: An Equal Music by Vikram Seth. It might sound like a strange first out choice as so much of the book is going on other places than Venice, yet, for me it is one of the main Venice books, and now, while preparing yet another trip to this fairytale city, this is the book I plan to read while I am there.
A book about music, a book about love, love lost, love found and then lost again. A book about Michael and Julia, their music, their love. Daily Telegraph claims it to be ..."the finest novel about music ever written in English....."
After I read it the first time I simply knew I had to have the music which floats through the book, Vivaldi of course, but a Vivaldi which was unknown to me; The Art of Fugue.
I have my copy of the book on the desk in front of me while I write this, and I wonder - will I be able to wait till the end of April to read it again? I can always bring another Venice book with me when I travel, can´t I :-) Or if I manage to wait, I´ll take it with me to Café Florian!