Note to self 1: I must refresh my knowledge of the German language
Note to self 2: It is possible to write a whole book after only week in one place
In the souvenir shop in Güímar a book caught my interest. I knew I had to buy it, I did buy it. There was one problem though, the book was in German, and as far as I can see (now after coming home, doing an internet serch) there is no English, nor any Norwegian translation of the book.
I did learn German when I was in school, after English, before French, and I do think it will be possible for me to decipher the book, with time, patience and a good dictionary. Still how I wish that there would be an English translation available.
Well, German, English, Norwegian, Spanish, Greek, Japanese or whatever. The book is mine and somehow I am going to read it.
Alexander van Humboldt, Seine Woche auf Teneriffa, 1799 by Alfred Gebauer.
The title tells me that it si possible to write a whole book after only one week in a country or on an island. I have spent one week x 2 on Tenerife, and I am busy writing my travel letter from the last stay.
And who knows, one day this travel letter might turn into a book.......