For days I have been inside a blizzard, or rather several blizzards. Havy, strong, fatal ones. First together with a group of fishermen, in an open boat out on the open icy cold ocean. Then crossing mountains together with a postman and his young helper.
All of it around 100 years ago!
My guide into the blizzards has been the Icelandic writer Jón Kalman Stefánsson, and his two books Heaven and Hell, and The Sorrow of Angels.
Stefánsson has written a masterpiece (so far I have only read two books out of the trioligy) set in the Icelandic countryside, painting the hardship of nature and the way people react to it.
I bought the two first books only a few days ago. "Make sure you read them slowly" the book seller told me. But as soon as I started, this became impossible. Page after page after page......I needed to know what happended to the people.
Again and again I told myself. This can´t be true. April in Iceland can´t be like this, with an evergoing snow storm.
But then I remembered.
Terje and I drove around the island of Iceland in April this year. And sure, the weather can be like this in April. The weather is like this in April.
We were lucky though.
We were not out in an open boat.
And we did not have to trust our own feet.
And in between the blizzards we even had some summer......almost.