Some time in the future I hope to be able to take some time off. There is a topic I want to study. Or rather, there is a topic I am already studying, a topic I have "studied" since I was a kid.
It is about The Sacred.
What does sacred mean? What is sacred in my life?
Places, times, people, words, belief.......
My home is filled, not only with books, but also with notebooks. Diaries and travel diaries dominates, but then there are notebooks for every single purpose you can imagine, handmade by myslef, bought on travels, gifts, impulsive buyings, because I deserve it buyings......you name it.
A special one, a light grey BOOKBINDERS DESIGN, is my SACRED notebook. Where I write down "everything sacred", tales, memories, hymns, memories, thoughts on the sacred.
This book is becoming sacred to me :-)
Last year I discovered Sacred Bath together with Martin Palmer, the author of Sacred Land.
Martin, the walk I followed, the book I am reading......it all helps me on my own sacred journey.